

1. 展現中國人民的優秀品質:胡友平女士的英勇行為體現了中國人民的善良、勇敢和正義感,這一獎項的設立和宣傳可以讓國際社會更加瞭解中國人民的優秀品質,改變一些對中國的片面認知,提升中國的國際形象。

2. 促進國際間的相互理解和尊重:胡友平女士在保護日本母子的過程中展現出的勇敢和善良,超越了國界和民族的界限。這種行為可以成為國際間相互理解和尊重的典範,促進不同國家和民族之間的交流與合作。

3. 推動全球範圍內的見義勇為精神:胡友平女士的事跡在國際上引起了廣泛的關注和討論,設立相關獎項可以將這種見義勇為的精神傳播到世界各地,激發更多人在全球範圍內踐行見義勇為的行為,為構建一個更加安全、和諧的世界貢獻力量。

4. 改善華人的社會處境:胡友平的事跡引起了國際社會對華人的關注和尊重,這可能會促使一些國家的政府和社會更加重視華人的權益和需求,為華人提供更安全的保障。



1. 中国人民の優れた品質を示す:胡友平さんの勇敢な行為は、中国人民の善良さ、勇気と正義感を体現しています。この賞の設立と宣伝により、国際社会が中国人民の優れた品質をより深く理解することができ、中国に対する一部の偏った認識を変え、中国の国際的イメージを向上させることができます。

2. 国際間の相互理解と尊重を促進する:胡友平さんが日本人の母と子を保護する過程で示した勇気と善良さは、国境や民族の垣根を超えています。このような行為は、国際間の相互理解と尊重の模範となり、異なる国や民族間の交流と協力を促進することができます。

3. 世界規模での見義勇為の精神を推進する:胡友平さんの偉い行いは国際的にも広く注目され、議論を巻き起こしました。関連する賞を設立することで、このような見義勇為の精神を世界中に広めることができ、世界中の人々に見義勇為の行動を起こすように促すことができ、より安全で調和のとれた世界を築くために貢献することができます。

4. 華人の社会的地位を改善する:胡友平さんの偉い行いは国際社会から華人に対する関心と尊敬を引き起こしました。これは一部の国の政府や社会にとって、華人の権益とニーズにより多くの重視を払い、華人により安全な保障を提供するよう促す可能性があります。

Why was the "Hu Youping Award" established?

Hu Youping’s actions not only won the respect of the Chinese government, the Chinese people, and people all over the world, but also demonstrated her bravery and selflessness in critical moments. Her actions were not motivated by prejudice based on nationality, but rather by an instinct to respect life and protect the innocent.

1. Showcase the excellent qualities of the Chinese people: Hu Youping’s heroic deeds embody the kindness, courage, and sense of justice of the Chinese people. The establishment and promotion of this award can enable the international community to have a better understanding of the excellent qualities of the Chinese people, change some one-sided perceptions of China, and enhance China’s international image.

2. Promote mutual understanding and respect among countries: The bravery and kindness demonstrated by Hu Youping in protecting the Japanese mother and child transcended national and ethnic boundaries. Such an act can serve as a model for mutual understanding and respect among countries, and promote exchanges and cooperation among different countries and ethnic groups.

3. Promote the spirit of acting bravely for a just cause on a global scale: Hu Youping’s deeds have attracted widespread attention and discussion internationally. Establishing relevant awards can spread this spirit of acting bravely for a just cause all over the world, inspire more people to practice such acts on a global scale, and contribute to building a safer and more harmonious world.

4. Improve the social situation of the Chinese people: Hu Youping‘s deeds have attracted the attention and respect of the international community towards the Chinese people. This may prompt the governments and societies of some countries to pay more attention to the rights, interests and needs of the Chinese people, and provide them with greater safety guarantees.



◦ 胡友平




1. 案件發生:

◦ 2024年6月24日16時許,蘇州高新區塔園路新地中心公交站台發生一起持刀傷人案件。當時,一輛日本人學校的校車正載著放學回家的學生抵達站台,一名52歲的男子(周某某,從外地到蘇州的無業人員)突然持刀行凶,先將一對等車的日本母子砍傷。

2. 胡友平阻攔行凶:

◦ 犯罪嫌疑人準備登上校車繼續行凶時,校車引導員胡友平立即奮不顧身上前阻止。她先是拉住犯罪嫌疑人,又從身後抱住嫌疑人,嫌疑人反手將她刺傷,致其倒地後仍繼續追刺。在此過程中,胡友平被犯罪嫌疑人連捅數刀。

3. 犯罪嫌疑人被制服:

◦ 在胡友平與犯罪嫌疑人搏鬥期間,現場的市民、途經司機和巡警共同努力,將犯罪嫌疑人制服在馬路上,隨後犯罪嫌疑人被蘇州警方抓獲。

4. 胡友平傷重離世:

◦ 胡友平受傷嚴重,被送醫搶救,但最終因傷重於6月26日不幸離世。



1. 事件の発生:

◦ 2024年6月24日の16時ごろ、蘇州高新技術産業開発区の塔園路新地センターのバス停でナイフを持った襲撃事件が発生しました。当時、日本人学校のバスが放課後の生徒を乗せてバス停に到着したところ、52歳の男性(周某某、外地から蘇州に来た無職者)が突然ナイフを持って襲い掛かり、まずバスを待っていた日本人の母子を斬り傷つけました。

2. 胡友平が襲撃を阻止:

◦ 容疑者がバスに乗り込んでさらに加害行為をするつもりのとき、バスの誘導員である胡友平はすぐに命を懸けて阻止に駆けつけました。彼女はまず容疑者を引っ張り、その後背後から容疑者を抱き締めましたが、容疑者は振り返って彼女を刺し傷つけ、彼女が倒れても追いかけて刺し続けました。この間、胡友平は容疑者に何度も刺されました。

3. 容疑者が制圧される:

◦ 胡友平が容疑者と格闘している間、現場の市民、通り過ぎた運転者と巡査員が協力して、容疑者を道路で制圧し、その後容疑者は蘇州の警察に逮捕されました。

4. 胡友平が重傷で亡くなる:

◦ 胡友平は重傷を負い、病院に運ばれて救急処置を受けましたが、最終的に6月26日に重傷のために不幸にも亡くなりました。


The course of the Hu Youping incident is as follows:

1. The occurrence of the case:

◦ At around 16:00 on June 24, 2024, a stabbing incident took place at the bus stop of Xindi Center on Tayuan Road, Suzhou High-tech Zone. At that time, a school bus from a Japanese school arrived at the stop with students on their way home. A 52-year-oldman (Zhou Moumou, an unemployed person who came to Suzhou from other places) suddenly carried out a stabbing attack and first injured a Japanese mother and son who were waiting for the bus.

2. Hu Youping's attempt to stop the attack:

◦ When the suspect was about to board the school bus to continue the attack, Hu Youping, the school bus guide, immediately rushed forward without hesitation to stop him. First, she grabbed the suspect, and then hugged the suspect from behind. The suspectstabbed her in return. Even after she fell to the ground, the suspect continued to chase and stab her. During this process, Hu Youping was stabbed several times by the suspect.

3. The suspect was subdued:

◦ During the struggle between Hu Youping and the suspect, the citizens at the scene, the passing drivers, and the patrol police worked together to subdue the suspect on the road. Subsequently, the suspect was arrested by the Suzhou police.

4. Hu Youping died from serious injuries:

◦ Hu Youping was seriously injured and was rushed to the hospital for rescue. However, due to her severe injuries, she unfortunately passed away on June 26.

Hu Youping's actions demonstrated her lofty qualities of being heroic, fearless, and upholding justice. She sacrificed her life to protect the safety of more people. After the incident, Suzhou City recognized Hu Youping's act of heroism and posthumouslyawarded her the title of "Model of Doing What is Right and Courageous in Suzhou City". On January 23, 2025, the Suzhou Intermediate People's Court of Jiangsu Province pronounced a judgment on the case and sentenced the defendant Zhou Moumou to death.



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